• Make
  • Your Own
  • Organic
  • Soap
  • Make
  • Your Own
  • Organic
  • Soap
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What's our thing?

We clearly have a thing for Transforming Organic Material into Soap. The method we fell in love with is the Cold Saponification process. We have adopted it and
Now we want to share what we know with you.
Are you ready to Saponify?

Our Belifes
Our Belifes

Reduce waste Inspire, create Learn, teach Evolve in Nature's harmony Approach autonomy These are some of the many fundaments Les Savonnettes is based on. Our Workshops are born out of passion and curiosity for nature, skin, hair and the dots that connect them. Discovering the art of oil blending, the benefits of vegetable oils, essential oils, clays, spices and infusion can be truly satisfying. We encourage DIY. Because when you start doing it yourself, you not only learn how to make it from scratch with your very own hands, but you also open the doors to an endless journey of creations.

So Who's this "We"?

She made her first Cold Processed soap in Grenoble, France, in 2016 on a day her mind was thirsty for Crafting and her hands were longing to get Dirty in Soap. Sohila El Moussaoui then founded Les Savonnettes in Lisbon 2018, the year she moved to Portugal to Seek the Sun. Here She found what she was looking for and More. In the past few years the founder has created over dozens of soap and shampoo bars recipes, concocted and sold thousands, made candles, conditioners, bath-bombs- her journey through natural wellness products expanded broadly. A growth that Sohila is Thanking Lisbon for. A city where creativity is spotted on stairs and inspirations breath through the walls of buildings. Today Sohila's passion is Blooming into the teaching of the Making. Welcoming you in natural aromas, with a cup of tea and a bunch of oils. Handing you over The Blender.

So Who's this 'We'?